Discover using sauna whisks

What is whisking?
We believe you know everything about barrel saunas by now. Whisking will take your sauna experience to the next level, awakening your mind, body, and soul. Its effects are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and disinfecting. Whisking supports the immune, respiratory, and nervous systems, reduces muscle tension, prevents muscle cramps, and supports the circulatory system and regeneration.
Sauna whisks are young twigs tied together, used to massage and lash the skin. During massaging, the whisks release pleasant aroma. You can choose from a variety of sauna whisks, each of which brings a different experience.
Birch sauna whisks
With its many positive effects, birch is the most used material for sauna whisks. It contains essential oils, tanning agents, vitamin C, and provitamin A. It helps to relieve pain in muscle and joints after physical exercise.
Your skin will love the birch sauna whisk as well – the whisk cleans skin prone to rashes, helps healing wounds and scratches, and makes skin smoother and elastic. Whisking will also help your hair by strengthening the roots and fighting dandruff. Birch scent is calming and breathing it in will improve your mood and cleanse your lungs.
Oak sauna whisks
Oak has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and helps lowering blood pressure. Its essences will soothe your nerves after physical and mental activity and relieve your stress. Oak sauna whisks also help with fighting skin diseases and oily skin.
Linden sauna whisks
Choose a linden sauna whisk if you feel like you’re getting sick – it will soothe your aching body. Linden aroma relieves headaches, lowers temperature, helps widening the bronchus, relieves lung diseases, and calms down. It also supports sweating, heals cuts, and has a mild diuretic effect.
Alder sauna whisks
Just like linden sauna whisks, alder sauna whisks help with fighting colds and high temperatures. They contain antioxidants, support brain activity, and have a positive influence on blood circulation. Using an alder sauna whisk is a great way to help soothe your achy feet, muscles, and joints, and it helps fighting rheumatism.
Conifer sauna whisks
Fir sauna whisks are the most popular of conifer sauna whisks. However, any conifer sauna whisk will support blood circulation in your muscles and organs. These sauna whisks are used for special massages for their gentle irritating and sweat stimulation. No need to worry about the prickly needles – the boiling water used to prepare the whisks will soften them. Conifer branches are often added to birch and oak sauna whisks.
Nettle sauna whisks
Just like conifer, nettle irritates the skin. Nettle sauna whisks are used for relieving lower back, joint, and muscle pain. Its strong irritating and anti-inflammatory effects make it perfect for fighting rheumatism and gout. Before using a nettle sauna whisk, dip it into hot water for a couple of seconds to reduce its irritating effects.

How to get sauna whisks
You can make your own sauna whisks from any tree or bush whose branches are flexible enough and do not contain dangerous chemicals. The best time for making your own sauna whisks is during the season, when the leaves are fresh and full of beneficial substances. The branches should be left to dry for a week (careful, don’t let them dry out completely) and then they can be tied up into a whisk.
The other way to get sauna whisks is buying pre-made ones.
Have you tried whisking?
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